Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Food Review: A Little Pizza Heaven

A little Pizza Heaven
120 Osborne St
A Little Pizza Heaven on Urbanspoon

When the going gets busy the busy get pizza, this is a mantra I live by. Take-out food is a treat, but sometimes the treat part is not making the food yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I love cooking fine and plenty, but it is nice to be able to focus on the task at hand. Pizza is my dream food. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, hot and cold, rain or shine.

Due to my new obsession with blogging I wanted to try something that wasn't my standard. I decided to go out on a limb. Circumstance sent me in the direction of A Little Pizza Heaven. It claimed to be the best pizza this side of heaven. Promising? Yes. Delivering the promise? Not really.

I had heard of the place mentioned vaguely by friends as darn good pizza for a pretty darn good price. We ordered the Mediterranean pizza and the vegetarian pizza, which are the standard veggie options at most pizza places.  Two specialty large pizzas cost 35$ (they only accept cash) and they were ready in a stunning 20 minutes. We arrived at the place and watched the fellow at the counter brush garlic butter on the crusts. The pizzas came out of the oven pretty as a picture. Yes this was exciting!

Finally, it came time to try the pizza. The crust was golden and malleable, the toppings were generous. Overall it was tasty and the vegetarian pizza (which is usually the worst pizza on the menu) was hands down better than Pizza Hotline, Garbonzo’s, or Dominos’. The Mediterranean was tastier still. But before you pick up your phone and ring them up you should know: the pizza was oozing in grease and quite salty. But more importantly it was like eating the real world equivalent to elvish waybread (lembas). What does that mean? It sat like a rock in the stomach and one piece left one feeling vaguely and uncomfortably full for hours. Apart from being a wonderful cure for hunger, that is not a quality I look for in pizza.

So, your friends or family declare “let’s order in A little Pizza Heaven”! What do you say? I would recommend somewhere else. The flavour doesn't quite beat out the waybreadishness. If, on the other hand, you have had a few too many and are stumbling around the village late at night and pizza calls your name, go in! The pinball, pizza by the slice, and the greasy fattiness will probably hit the spot.

Until next time,

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