Saturday, 2 February 2013

Beer Reviewed: Maccabee Lager Beer

Maccabee Lager Beer

On my way home from work today I bought a king can of Maccabee Lager Beer, brewed by Tempo Beer Industries. Tempo is Israel’s largest brewery and is responsible for importing a very large range of drinks into Israel. Heineken has a 40% share in the company. Their website says that they contribute to charities and hire people with special needs and hire regardless of religion, ethnicity, or gender. They also point out that they treat their sewage (which makes me wonder what happens to sewage from other factories).  

But enough about all of that, how does it taste? Unfortunately it ended up tasting like nothing. Actually that’s not true. It tasted like unpleasant, watery beer. If I were to drink it at all, I would probably suggest drinking it by the pitcher in a bowling alley. 

Here are 4 more situations where you might drink this beer:
  1. You’ve never tried it and don’t trust my opinion (or want see if I’m right)
  2. It is on sale at the MLCC
  3. You were going to put it in Rarebit, Beer Bread, or Batter fish with it (They deserve better)
  4.  Someone gave it to you for free

If you want a lager, try one of these instead. They a comparable price (or cheaper) and I like them more:
Farmery Lager
Moosehead Lager
Sleeman’s Honey Brown

Until next time!

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